December 30, 2024

Does Your Engagement Ring Get Loose During Winter? Here Is What To Do

A funny thing happens when it gets cold outside – your finger shrinks!You know what this means? Your engagement ring will not fit so snug on your finger as it did earlier in the year. This also means a potentially loose engagement ring that can slip off your finger.The last thing you want to happen is have your engagement ring slip off your finger or misplace it.


That depends on a number of factors. Resizing your engagement ring once winter happens may be an option if your finger shrinks significantly – to the point where you almost can’t wear it because it will fall off. Remember that if you do resize it, you also risk it becoming too tight once the weather gets warm and humid again.It’s a difficult situation for many people. But, it also brings up an important lesson when getting your finger size checked. While it’s always best to get your ring sized during the summer months, it’s just not feasible. So, if you are planning to buy an engagement ring in Toronto in the winter, keep in mind that her finger will expand. How much it will expand will vary from person to person, so it’s a good idea to find out this information (stealthily) from your loved one.If she is shopping for rings with you, then she can try on a number of rings and we can make sure we choose an engagement ring size that matches her finger perfectly.Another option is a ring guard. You can purchases these little plastic pieces that attach to your ring in the winter to ensure it maintains a snug fit on your finger. It’s a cost effective solutions rather than having your ring re-sized and risking making it too small.If you notice your engagement ring becomes too loose during the winter, book and appointment to see Aret. He is happy to assess your engagement ring fit and determine whether you need your ring resized.


Here are some tips to ensure you choose the perfect size ring for your partner:

  • Check out the size of the rings she has at home. Don’t just look at one. Check out a number of them and note the size.
  • Keep an eye on the rings she wears during the summer and during the winter. Are there some rings that she only wears during certain times of the year?
  • Keep in mind that if you are designing a custom ring, some features are not conducive to ring resizing
  • Get your engagement ring professional sized (We will do this for you!)

As a general rule, the ring should go on relatively easy, but should be somewhat difficult to remove from your finger.


Need some help? Book an appointment to see Aret. We are happy to assist with all your needs for engagement rings in Toronto

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should your engagement ring be a little loose

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