June 1, 2023

The 5 Best Toronto Engagement Ring Designs

The 5 Best Toronto Engagement Ring Designs

If you are in the market for wedding rings, wedding bands or looking to create a custom piece to mark a special occasion in the Toronto or Vaughan Mills area, you may be interested in finding a custom jeweller who can help you through the custom design process. Many people around the world are choosing to create their custom engagement rings or wedding band as this gives couples and individuals the chance to use their own ideas and inspirations to create their custom ring. When choosing to create a custom design, couples are able to have a say in their heirloom piece; from the shape of diamonds used, the kind of precious gemstones used if not choosing to use diamonds (such as sapphires), materials used such as gold, and ensuring the diamonds used are conflict free, creating a custom piece gives couples the chance to have control over the whole process ensuring their perfect piece is created. As we continue into 2022, you may be wondering what style of diamond engagement rings are best for couples who are looking at creating their own piece of custom jewellery.

Round Cut Engagement Rings

In 2022, many people are choosing a round cut diamond in their bespoke piece. It can be argued that round cut certified diamonds are one of the most popular shapes for engagement rings for many years running. It should be noted that this cut of ring accounts for 75% of all diamonds sold, and has the greatest potential for sparkle and shine than other cuts of rings due to how the round design reflects the light. It is safe to say this style of diamond rings will continue to be a fan favourite for 2022 and many years to come.

Pear Cut Engagement Rings

Pear cut engagement rings, also known as teardrop shape, is definitely making a comeback in 2022 especially for custom jewellery. This kind of engagement ring jewellery is famously known for its single point and rounded end stone, creating a subtle elongated look for individuals who are sporting these rings. This style of diamond rings have become increasingly popular with celebrities such as Ariana Grande, Paris Hilton and Victoria Beckham, all choosing a custom pear shaped piece for their engagement ring due to their flashy yet flattering style. An advantage to the pear cut custom piece is that it can truly be a custom design. This type of ring can be worn with the pointed part of the ring up or down, allowing the customer to discover their favourite way to customize their piece of jewelry.

Princess Cut Engagement Rings

Princess cut wedding rings is another popular style of stone. This is a popular style of diamond ring as the gemstones are not cut round as you may typically find custom engagement rings, but rather in a square or rectangular shape. Many people choose to include princess cut certified diamonds in their custom jewelry as this type of cut accentuates the diamond, making the diamonds look bigger than they actually are. In other words, with this type of cut, customers are truly getting more bang for their buck. Another reason why many people choose this type of ring is because any flaws the diamond has will be hidden due to how the gemstone is cut. This cut produces the highest quality fire and brilliance, therefore any scratches or damages will be blurred.

Emerald Cut Engagement Rings

In 2022, many people are choosing emerald cut diamonds in their custom jewellery. Typically, emerald cut diamonds are cut in a rectangular shape and can look very unique, making it the perfect shape for custom jewellery. When looking for the perfect cut for your wedding rings or custom jewellery, experts say to choose a length to width ratio of 1.30 for the classic emerald shape. Many clients are drawn to emerald cut styles, as there is larger surface area which will highlight the clarity of the stone. However, it should be kept in mind if opting for emerald cut wedding rings that because this type of ring has a larger surface area, clients need to pay particular attention to the quality of the diamonds being used. Usually clients will have a huge selection of diamonds to choose from, especially if they are interested in purchasing custom work from a shop in Toronto. Another reason why clients are choosing to include emerald cut diamonds in their custom wedding rings is because these diamonds are easy to work with in the custom process. Whether clients choose to have the diamond in a solitary setting, a Pavé setting or a three-stone design, the limits to having this ring customized is truly endless.

Oval Cut Engagement Rings

The last popular cut for diamond custom jewellery in 2022 is the oval cut. Similar to the round cut engagement rings mentioned above, oval cut engagement rings are cut in a round shape, and are extremely popular for those with long fingers, or those looking to create the illusion of longer fingers, as the oval shape from the diamond will accentuate and create the illusion of this. In 2022, many clients are choosing this shape for their piece of fine jewellery as this shape is truly timeless, but it is also versatile enough that it can be customized in whatever way the clients would like: whether that is re using the diamond shape numerous times throughout the customized piece or switching up the materials used to something non traditional, it is the perfect shape of stone for the custom design process.

Custom Jeweler Toronto

Overall, 2022 is the year of designing custom jewellery including wedding rings and other fine jewelry in Toronto, Canada, especially for a ring with such significance. If you are looking to begin the journey of designing a custom ring in Toronto, it is important that you seek out a person who has your best interests at heart and will not lead you astray when it comes down to the purchase of a lifetime. You should seek out someone who has great craftsmanship work and ideally has a background in creating various pieces of jewelry such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets, including engagement rings, with pieces of their work to show you before you commit to working with them. Ideally you should also visit their studio, as this way you will be able to truly discover their style before committing to a piece. If you are looking to create your once in a lifetime engagement ring, please contact us today and a member of our team will get back to you to start the specialized process of creating your dream ring!

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